Monday, January 25, 2010

Try to LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL in Need

Looks like there is more than one Mensa-mind commenting in this blog! SABN stand-outs:

Love expands consciousness.
Service expands consciousness.

My response: Because I cannot see Swami in everyone, and honestly don't attempt to most of the time, I try the next step as much as I can, however small it be, however menial it be, however backstage it be. Since I always aver that God is but the Divine Accountant, I try to add as much minute credits to my account to offset the piling debits. My general strategy in most cases is to try to serve those who need it in lieu of try to love those who need pampering.

Each man to his own idiosyncrasies.

Comments, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. sSABN IS SR

    You are right. Serve Daridra Narayanas because they need and not Laxmi Narayanas who in today's parlance, can offshore and outsource, basic housekeeping services and lead a very comfortable lifestyle.

