Monday, June 6, 2011

Ahmedabad Augury

I was in Ahmedabad over the last few days, and had everything better to do than pen this verse. But then, I did pen, and so, post I should.

Rain hammers through the futile minds of the Ahmedabad label,
The white bed of a clean mindscape confronts
the weight of the universe above,
To premise an epiphanic illumination:
Worry, music, victory, legacy, miscarriage,-
All but whistles from the sultry lips of an eternal illusion
The skeletal sensors stretch out and mate with the tentacles of an amorphous banyan
I ride the animated air of diffused appellation,
The sun rises in the identified East that never was,
The Light shines through an earthly sunshine,
And the clouds scatter into themselves,
The music settles into melody again.
