Sunday, January 24, 2010

Survival of the fattest

Gentleladies and gentlemen! We finally know who Anonymous is,- 'The Secret' is no longer one. But for his sake, I will prefer to keep it so.

As usual, he raises too many points in just one comment, but something that stood out is open for discussion: If all humans became selfless and became vegetarian would there be enough vegetarian food to feed humanity?

I don't remember his name, but, there was one Economist or some similar pessimist who mentioned decades back that we would soon have too many people than we have food (forget the specific vegetarian type). And man would go back to fighting what he first fought for,- food. Strangely enough, we are still alive, and fighting,- though for more civilized causes like religion.

But the question again,- will there be enough vegetarian food? Anyone else's comments?

1 comment:

  1. I choose to disagree to the comment that 'would there be enough food'. Always demand drives growth. If poepl turn vegetarian this would force the investment towards ensuring the supply sustains.

    Its only habits that drive economics and the other way round.

