Friday, September 24, 2010

Why God punished Stephen Hawking right from birth

Hawking's new book, The Grand Design' suggests that 'Spontaneous creation is the reason why the universe exists, and why we exist.' In other words, God was not needed in the first place. The universe just began spontaneously.

My first point: The multiverse concept itself assumes an astonishingly large number of universes out there. I came across this figure of
10500 as a possible number.
My second point: Hawking himself postulates that, based on simulation, 'if protons were just 0.2% heavier, they would decay into neutrons, destabilizing atoms', thereby preventing any form of life to exist, much less, persist. Another point he uses to illustrate is that 'a change of as little as 0.5% in the strength of the strong nuclear force, or 4% in the electric force, would destroy either nearly all carbon or all oxygen in every star, and hence the possibility of life as we know it.'
Summing the points: With this ridiculously large number of universes out there, and Hawking's own points on the 'preciseness' of conditions for life, somebody as naive as myself would think that Hawking just shot himself in his foot by suggesting that so 'accurate' a universe would have come about by serendipity. His main point is that 'spontaneous creation is the reason why we exist'. Is that a proof or a premise? That's a premise, and that makes his statement philosophical rather than scientific. He also talks about the strong anthropic principle, which is, if you delve deeper, Advaitha in a three-piece suit of science.

To quote Kant or whoever it was, 'Infinity is not only unknown, but also unknowable.'

1 comment:

  1. Infinity is unknowable because time, space and number is in a Linear dimension. The senses, the mind and the intellect operate in a linear dimension. Man is linear animal!

    God is in a spherical dimension

    What is the starting point of a sphere? How many times did God create time? When was the first time that God created time?

    Time space and numbers are relative concepts. Inside Infinite consciousness, time space and number are just concepts.

    How many times is a statue of a beautiful woman hidden inside a large stone? None or Infinity Both are right.

    A statue is a concept of stone. The universe is a concept of God

    The infinite consciousness-God the absolute reality is All That Is.

    Unfortunately for Stephen Hawkins “God” is a concept and the Universe- infinite or otherwise an absolute reality. His ex-wife, Jane said during their divorce proceedings that he was an atheist.

    If only he believed in the power of God to cure him "spontaneously", his neuro-muscular dystrophy would not have remained an absolute reality!

