Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Death to Civilization by Stoning

Just returned from Germany, where there is a lot more coverage to the following case than is elsewhere:

Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, a mother of two, could be stoned to death at any moment under the terms of a death sentence handed down by Iranian authorities for alleged adultery. Now,
the Iranian penal code requires at least four witnesses for an adulterer to receive a stoning sentence. However, there were no witnesses in Ashtiani's case. Her conviction was based not on evidence but on the determination of three out of five judges.

If that is not barbaric enough, listen to the execution method. Ashtiani will be buried up to her chest, and the process will then begin. The stones that will be hurled at her will be large enough to cause pain but not so large as to kill her immediately.

(All sourced from CNN).

I don't know where we, as a human race, are headed. If this is not the age of Kali, then what is?


  1. At least Adultery and Murder Charges are there against Sakineh even if she may not have committed them! She is in a better off position-only relatively speaking

    What about women in Afghanisthan who are shot to death because the socks on the legs were visible to men who happened to be around and see them when they were shopping?

  2. Well, one should keep emotions and brains aside when deliberating on Afghanistan.

    As an aside, the American exit strategy for Iraq has been through Afghanistan. Let's hope something worthwhile comes out their holiday there. And talking about holiday, with over a Trillion Dollars in mineral reserves just discovered in Afghanistan, it will surely be a long holiday for the Americans.

