Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mario Mazzoleni - former Priest and subsequent Heathen

I had been searching for the last sentence of this paragraph for a very long time, and I found it today. But since this sentence concludes a very controversial paragraph of a final testament of a highly controversial Catholic Priest, I thought I might as well reproduce the para in its entirety.

"The Divine Presence of Sai Baba is, without a doubt, the most important occurrence in the cosmos for thousands of years, and I am happy to have sacrificed my entire career, my reputation, and my life itself, in this cause. This event induces me to express even more strongly the feeling of gratitude that I have towards my parents, whom now I am able to see once more, and whom the Divine Compassion was pleased to spare the great pain of seeing their son, the priest, rejected and condemned by that same institution which had welcomed him as its minister. What that human condemnation took away from me was infinitely less than what I gained - by knowing Sai Baba, and by consecrating all my energies to Him. I am saddened by the thought that some people may have suffered because of my faith, and I humbly beg forgiveness of all those who may have been scandalised by my words or by my actions."

I know how some people might read this, but once you find your Path, you find yourself astonishingly alone, and the clearer you (want to) see your Path, the more you are willing to travel alone. Nobody takes his label(s) with him to the after-life.

Along those very lines, Mario also wrote to the Vatican (reproduced in part):

Between the two alternatives I am offered, either being exiled from the institution of Church, or else being exiled from my conscience, I cannot and will not select the latter. Institutions do not accompany anyone beyond the grave.

1 comment:

  1. Sage Vasishta to Lord Rama.

    "He who looks upon the world as less valuable than a blade of grass never comes to grief.

    Wealth is the mother of evil. Sense pleasure is the source of pain. Misfortune is the best fortune. Rejection by all is victory....!"

