Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Changing your mother

Of late, I have been out of touch with virtual reality. But Nikki Haley's victory has helped me break free of my shackles. Why her? She has won as the Rep. nominee for governor in S. Carolina. But what's the problem here?

She exemplifies a trend, which is also dotted by Bobby Jindal. The Republican party likes Christian Republicans, if not just Caucasian Christian Republicans. So, what do would-be politicians do? They become Christian not for Christ's sake.

Moot point: Changing religion to suit your political aspirations is like changing your mother to the suit your wife's inclinations.

1 comment:

  1. The Head is concerned with the End, the Heart cares only for the means!

    Politics is about winning at all cost. The End is more important than the Means in Politics. Politics is run with the Head, rarely with the heart!

    In Politics we have a very small circle of belongingness and a false identification of who we really are!

    We are spirit, We are God. The End may be far away but ending of our Story is already scripted and it is and can only be a fabulous, glorious ending!

    We are here to remind ourself eternally until we learn the lesson and until it seeps down to the smallest neutron, electron, and proton of each of our cells of our body that the means is more important than the end, the journey is more important than the destination

    We are here to learn demonstrate and exemplify by our conduct and actions that the "means' and the "journey" is the real end! We are here to live by our hearts!

