Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Dead

Today is Earth Day: that one special day of the year when we feel guilty about letting the water flow while brushing and using plastic forks to sink into the 1/2 kg steak portions that take 10,000 litres of water to bring to your table.

Earth Day is an annual reminder of consumerism gone haywire, of greed in doublespeed, of ambition in overdrive.

The Earth is one of our seven mothers. Would we abuse our own biological mother in this manner? Of course not. But then, Earth is not technically our biological mother, you know. And it's ugly in many places, and rotting in others. Plus, it's full of militants, and then, there are American troops too peeping into your bedroom. So, I mean, what kind of a Mother do we have in Mother Earth? So, a bit of abuse is okay, I mean, kinda okay, you know, like kinda sorta okay. See, your fine in your sin! How well we are able to talk our way out of action!

Wake up brothers, all those earthquakes and other cataclysms of volcanic proportions are not aberrant. Everything is karmic. Everything is connected.

1 comment:

  1. Isaac Tigrett to Swamy- "Is this true Swamy of what is going to happen to earth?"

    Swamy- "Yes"

    Tigrett- "God is allowing mankind to destoy the earth?"

    Swamy-".. Only when man is brought to his knees will he turn toward God....."

    How true-

    For Man, God is not first response but the last resort whilst consorting Maya!

