Saturday, April 3, 2010

Close competition

Just returned from another trip to Yemen. One thing's for sure. Among the few countries giving tough competition to India for the nation with the widest disparity between the rich and the non-existent, Yemen has to be somewhere at the top.

The chasm is incredible. You have people living off the street, and you have people living on the High street. But beyond the similarity, there is something that India stands out, by, and for. And Yemen needs to learn this lesson. Unless there is focus on education, specifically, education for the women-folk, Yemen will continue to be Yemen.

India will not. The recent Right to Education Act (with all its practical issues) is yet another step in the right direction. For at least some occasions, we really need to Jai Hind!

1 comment:

  1. Riches do not harm a community but the disparity between the rich and the poor surely does. You can see a multim(b)illionaires in a well manicured and landscaped bungalows with maserattis and bentleys parked in the garages living side by side with the slumdwellers.

    India is both "Super Power" and "Super Poor". Poverty of wealth is curable in one lifetime, poverty of the mind perhaps never in a hundered lifetimes!

