Monday, March 2, 2009

Respecting your body

Praji has started yoga classes. I sometimes feel I need day-long yoga classes to prepare me for the next couple of hours. If yoga means union, I desperately need to get united with myself; I lost myself many years back. Probably this planet as a whole needs yoga classes.

On another note, it's pretty logical that how you respect your body today is how your body will respect you tomorrow. You could probably extend it to: how your respect your body in this life will be how your body will respect you in the next.

1 comment:

  1. Anything that we are committed to gives us strength. If we are committed to our body, the body will give us strength. If we are committed to our family, our family will gives us strength. If we are committed to money, money will give us strength and if to principles or values, those will give us strength. If we are committed to God, God will give us strength. Those committed to Uncles and Aunty’s also get strength from them!

    Commitment is “Come what may..being there!’ Being there for the family, being there following the values, being there for God etc. Come what may.

    In the corporate world, we give our commitment after ensuring we have the resources to deliver on our commitments. In the spiritual world, when we give multiple commitments sincerely, God ensures that we have the resources to deliver! The best example of this is in our orgn where one can see extremely committed individuals despite their ulterior motives.

    Those committed individuals are amazingly resourceful in getting things done- It does not matter whether it is by virtue of their positions or otherwise- they are resourceful

    One of the best quotes of the Avatar, as quoted by Bro Praveen in one of the Active Workers Workshop is therefore- “Commitment is Character!” Men of character are able to honour their multiple commitments very effectively

    For some of us, we have to start at the bottom of the food chain- Commitment to Body!

