Sunday, February 14, 2010

Moon mission

I have targets on my cabin wall facing me, where I have stuck labels identifying goals that are yet to materialize after more than two years on cellophane. Not that they were too utopian, but then reality came in the way in the form of a well-fashioned recession. But that still doesn't stop me.

Moot point: You cannot achieve greatly if you cannot aim greatly. You cannot score high goals that you do not first set for yourself.


  1. Citibanks internal slogan when John Reed was the CEO

    "If you are going to be thinking anyway- think big and aim high"

    Even when Citi messed things up- they probably messed it up real Big- I think they got about USD 300 billion plus of bailout money, the most of any institution in the world.

    Why do you want to stop at the moon Praveen- when you can "Hitch your wagon to a star"

    "The Enemy of the Best (Star)is often just 'Good'(Moon!) " - Stephen Covey

  2. The Enemy of the Best is often just Good - sweet!

    Citibank somehow reflect America in a way, bigger is always better. Whether it is the Maddoff way or the B & M Gates foundation way, they have panoramic vision.

