Thursday, March 4, 2010

Qualified Quality

The recent recalls of Toyota is exciting or devastating depending on which side of the Greenwich Meridian you happen to be in. Either way, one thing seems to be clear:

The brand-value of the brand has been capitalized on for too long without any real addition of value to the brand-value.

I have similar sob-stories to tell of my mother's Mercedes as well. In this case, it was technology failure, very similar to Toyota's quality failure. At the end of the day, failure is still not success.

1 comment:

  1. Toyota made and still makes good cars. Some Smart Alec may have changed a procurement system or a production technique to make a quick buck for the company and hence got the company into trouble. What has been lost is not sales and profits- but its reputation.

    For the Japanese- perfection in quality is a process. For the Germans perfection in quality is second nature, a habit

    Who was it who said- Excellence is not a one time act- but a habit

    Praveen here is a controversy to stir-The best car manufacturer in terms of quality in the world is an Audi-not bmw, not merc and not volvo and definitely not a Toyota!

    Mark my words- One day it will top the JD power rankings on Quality worldwide- One day, I mean if this blog is still alive then...within the next 70 years!

    Audi is the only car maker in the world which subjects its cars (not all cars) to CT scans and their precision levels measured by fault tolerance is the lowest in the industry.

    The next gift of a car by a devotee to Swamy was supposedly an Audi- and Swamy rejected it and with it went its fortunes! Having said that the existing one is a Toyota and we know what has happened to its fortunes. Swamy's favorite car of all time however happens to a Morris Minor
    God is inscrutable and cannot be understood- now we are pretty sure of that and we know why!

