Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Liberty Statute

It's been quite some time since I last visited my epad. Things have been happening inspite of my absence, like my body visited the US for a short period.

It's an interesting world out there. In many ways, the US encapsulates for your understanding, the best and the beyond worst of what civilization has to offer. Interestingly, civilization contains civil, which is probably a scary irony.

The place is the motherland of commercialism, capitalism, im/morality, spirituality, atheism, and, on the same note, of the free spirit. Nowhere else will you find gay couples and pastors preaching in the same park, and with both parties given equal liberty to do so. That probably sums it up. This truly is the land of liberty, with its concomitant (not very pretty) tagalongs.

Interestingly, the motherland of liberty does not seem to offer too much of freedom. Freedom of life is starkly different from freedom of expression. Having said that, freedom of expression is in itself a luxury. Like, for example, how many civil-izations will allow you to question religious practices and still leave you alive?

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