Monday, October 4, 2010

Where do we start?

I have of late been trying to review certain procedures in the company, and have realized that the older you get, the less willing you are to toy with something new. We have such deeply entrenched ideas in mind, that nothing new will be worth even thinking about.

Unfortunately, we will never explore new ideas, because we don't like new ideas in the first place. And because we don't like new ideas, we will never explore them. Convenient cycle.

Similar to spirituality probably. Few people are courageous enough to explore a new spiritual path, because 95% of the population thinks it's stupid. And because 95% of the people think it's stupid, we will not explore any new path.


  1. To embrace change or a new path, we need to let go of our Ego. Status quo is comfortable. Change involves uncertainity.

    Ego is resistance to the reality of change

    Resistance to uncertainity of change is fear. Acceptance of uncertainity of change is an adventure.

    Faith in the Lord is complete acceptance of the unpredictable uncertain future.

    To those who let go of their egos and have faith in God, life is always an adventure- ever new, ever fresh bliss of existence!

  2. One thing I totally agree on is the concept of fear. Fear of everything: failure, rejection, criticism, et al. Fear is the foundation of failure, including the failure to act.

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