Saturday, July 11, 2009

Akshi and me

Watched a movie yesterday (recommended by Praji, as usual) entitled 'Abhiyum Njanum' (Abhi and me). It had a heart-wrenching story with a mind-wrenching message.

This movie is for all those fathers of daugthers who are like me,- a father who will not let his daughter walk, lest she fall, who wont let her swim, lest she gasp, who wont let her breathe, lest she experience life. This movie is for every father who thinks his daughter is an inextricable extension of himself. It drives home (rather sharply) the point that nothing in this world is yours, not even your intellect. Even that is borrowed, along with the body.

Ended up recollecting to my own discomfort, the profound truth (and all profound truths usually bring discomfort) from the Gita, where Krishna says,

"What is yours today, belonged to someone else yesterday, and
will belong to someone else the day after tomorrow.
You are mistakenly enjoying the thought that this is yours.
It is this false happiness that is the cause of your sorrows".

Looks like God is your only possession in this illusion called life. In an unrelated way, becoming a father is easy, being a father is quite the opposite, especially for the weak of parental heart.

Non-sequitur: The movie, although in Tamil, does not play out like a Tamil movie. It feels more like a Malayalam or Bengali movie. No overactors, no Namitha, no nonsense.

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