Barring a few sporadic incidents of excited-filled aggression by the children, Xmas bhajan was a largely peaceful demonstration of the children's love for Santa Claus, and especially his gifts. Since I am very scared of people getting touchy when touched, I will use fictitious names, going forward.
Although Sadeep is a bachelor, he did a remarkably good job at being Santa. And since I had advised him to be inside the Mandir only with pure thoughts (which he lacks considerably), he made sure he didnt stay inside too long, and jogged in and out very quickly. His outfit also fitted him well. Sadeep also had two plastic bells slung over his Santa belt that symbolizes his bacherlor status. Although he was petrified about making no mistakes, he still managed to make it a flawful act by forgetting the gift at the altar. Well done to our very own Santa, although he is a bachelor. It takes more than grey plastic bells to get married, it takes bells of steel, which he will figure out soon. In his own words, and misquoting him verbatim: "Although I am a bachelor, I think I did an excellent job. In fact, I am sure I did an excellent job because I am GSB. Also, I broke my personal record for the maximum photographs of myself in one day, though I will need to explain to everyone that it's me behind that fake moustache which I am still chewing on."
On the whole, it was a great effort. Everyone was jolly, generally, and specifically. Memorable incidents include:
1. Jeeet's propensity to photograph anything that moved (or didnt)
2. Sadeep's magnum opus pillar decoration which took three hours to be done so that Nowneet and I could undo it and finish it off in twenty minutes
3. Alti's wonderful Santa on a reindeer montage (although Santa's cheeks were puffed pink, not necessarily due to beer, could have been due to cognac, champagne, or even vodka)
4. Rojesh's standard operating procedure as soon as he reaches anywhere,- grab some food
5. Sateysh's regular dashing entry at 8.45 PM
6. Geresh's tension that he generously distributed to everyone else
7. Santa's complaint of his false moustache being unconscioulsy eaten away by his mouth
8. Nowneet's exclusive head that rains sweat when he dons that shapely cap with that funny thing at the tip
9. Akshitha at her usual graceful best; always unconsciously reconfirming that she is indeed, my daughter
10. The highlight of the day was when one of the children exposed our man, and reconfirmed to all and sundry that he was not actually Santa, because, if you noticed very, very carefully, he was not wearing red socks
Apart from the pejorative and the Telugu film-style suggestions, there is a Christian saying, which Christians are not really used to saying: The Last Christian died on the cross. We should endeavour to change that to: The first Christian died on the cross. 120 children would have died from hunger during the time I took to pen this post. Let us live as if every moment is Christmas, every moment is an opportunity to thank God for all that He has blessed us with, which we always forget to remember.